this is just about showing off a clamp function in scss that doesn’t break everything
Every single clamp function for SCSS requires you either use a division function that’s about to get nuked, or the replacement division function that not only requires an extra @use
, but seems to break at so much as a small breeze.
I might be as dumb as a bag of rocks, right, but I also know how SCSS handles calc()
in such a way where it still spits out the usual clamp([#]rem, [#]rem + [#]cqi, [#]rem)
I’d want, so I threw shit together until the compiler I use stopped yelling at me over it:
@function clmp($min, $max, $width-min: 20rem, $width-max: 40rem) {
$slope: calc(($max - $min) / ($width-max - $width-min));
$slopeunit: calc(100cqi * $slope);
$baserem: calc($max - $width-max * $slope);
@return clamp($min, $baserem + $slopeunit, $max);
Edit the $width-min
and $width-max
to a rem unit as you need, then call it in a custom property or SCSS variable or whatever like
--cool-text: #{clmp(1rem,1.125rem)};
$cool-text: clmp(1rem,1.125rem);
And it’ll work. Is it the most efficient way to do it? I have no idea, all I know is that setting it up like this is why I can do responsive text that doesn’t implode.
Still gotta work in pixels?
@function rpx($px) {
@return calc(($px / 16px) * 1rem);
@function clmp($min, $max, $width-min: 400px, $width-max: 640px) {
$min: rpx($min);
$max: rpx($max);
$width-min: rpx($width-min);
$width-max: rpx($width-max);
$slope: calc(($max - $min) / ($width-max - $width-min));
$slopeunit: calc(100cqi * $slope);
$baserem: calc($max - $width-max * $slope);
@return clamp($min, $baserem + $slopeunit, $max);
And same as before:
--cool-text: #{clmp(16px,18px)};
$cool-text: clmp(16px,18px);
This also works with the fancy new cqi unit, but considering that conversion is literally just as simple as changing the 100vw
in your function to 100cqi
, that’s not particularly impressive. To that end, if you’ve got weird containers, you can set custom breakpoints through the last two variables, like so:
$text-footer: clmp(0.7rem, 0.7875rem, 9rem, 16rem);
It’s probably trivial to do this automatically, but the half-conscious version of me who always codes at 1am finds it kind of relaxing to measure it out manually, so hey.
I can’t blame you if you’re old enough to where that would obviously be how you’d think about the web, but to me it just doesn’t work well, knowing what I know. For all the ways rem sounds abstract, it’s pretty undeniably that it’s related to something, even if that something is a generic font size; a pixel, in a world where high DPI monitors exist, usually isn’t even a pixel. By that point, you might as well be using inches as your unit measurement. Return to article via footnote 1