RIGHT NOW: I finally have an actual, honest-to-goodness social media profile! It’s on bluesky and it’s specifically right here, using this very domain name as my username.

SOON: I have actually started building a framework for actual creative writing, so maybe actual words soon? That’d be nice!

willingly using social media in a public-facing manner in 2024 bluesky is alright, man
pointing the boss north: a guide tank positioning in FFXIV, v7.05
ok let’s try this again, from the top one more time
the first time i ever made a website with css, i got a failing grade for it this post about the ever-changing web contains no tables, 0/20
so it turns out nobody has needed to use div tags for like six years now i can’t put the tags in my descriptions without 11ty getting mad so this is clickbait now